Trust! enthusiasm! Challenge—— 2021 mid year exchange meeting of domestic distributors of Teddy

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Trust! enthusiasm! Challenge!


The 2nd mid year exchange meeting of domestic dealers of the 8th session of Shanghai Huadi in 2021 was successfully concluded in the beautiful Hulunbuir recently.



On the first day of the conference, general manager JACK Liu summarized the domestic sales in the first half of 2021 and had an in-depth discussion with local dealers on the work content in the second half of the year.



Contact Us

Shanghai Factory Address:
No.59 Hangfan Road,Hangtou Town,Pudong District,Shanghai, China

Mobile & WhatsApp & Wechat: +86 13391166625
Contact Person: Mr. Jack liu

Yixing Factory Address:
Building#D6, Yixing Chuangye Park, No.109 Jingyi North Rd, Qiting Street,
Yixing City, Jiangsu Province, China


Business Union of Chinese Cities National 24-Hour Service Number : (0086) 4008-757-597

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